Sculpture and playground dedication

Thanks to those who were able to be at school today to dedicate our new junior playground and Te Puna sculpture. Speech text is below.


Ngā mihi nui kia koutou katoa

Welcome to our guests, parents, and children.

Today we want to thank everyone who supported our PTA in any way during 2008, every contribution (large or small) from buying a coffee in the morning, to taking part in Stars in your Eyes, and everything in between has lead to the financial ability to construct this wonderful new play area.

It gives us great pleasure to have our senior students running this event today it is THEIR school and it is therefore very appropriate that they take the lead role in thanking those who made this possible and also in gifting this playground to their younger friends.

In addition to this playground we are adding some more soul and spirit to the school’s infrastructure with a sculpture here in front of Te Puna.

The name Waimairi is all about water flowing, and we find this is powerful imagery to use as we help our children understand their journey over six years from Te Puna (the spring) into the stronger, deeper and faster moving waters of the whole school and then out into the wider ocean that is the life after primary school.

This piece of art is a stunning and tangible illustration of the learning journey that Waimairi children undertake. Children need to stretch and reach for personal excellence but they also need to use their strengths and talents as a river current to help carry along those who are younger and those with differing levels of ability.

To finish on the same theme I started on, you can help our PTA head towards their 2009 fundraising targets by staying on for a coffee from coffee shop in the hall straight after this event.

Thank you again for the support you give our learning community.

Sculpture and playground dedication

1 Comment
Monday, May 18, 2009 - 07:18 PM

Jane Hunter
Mike - thank you very much for the incrediably warm welcome and the lovely gesture of afternoon tea for the PTA prior to the playground opening and sculpture unveiling on Friday. It was really appreciated and the PTA certainly felt valued by the community.

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